
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My Sew Grateful Post

As one of my first posts last year I took part in Debi's Sew Grateful Week. How quickly last year went by! So much has happened. I'm gaining new followers and I've been slowly working to expand my blog. I created a Facebook page back in October and finally broke down and created a page on Pinterest as well. My goal is to eventually open a shop on Etsy were I can offer some of my creations as well vintage and antique items. I don't want to start selling until I can figure out a few things. Mainly, how to deal with shipping costs and taxes. You see, if I open a shop it would be more of a hobby rather than a full time business. I can't quit my day job just yet! ;) Do any of you have Etsy shops or other online stores? If you can offer any advice I would be greatly appreciate it.

I still consider myself to be be very new to the blogging world but I'm enjoying it immensely. I follow a number of blogs and Facebook pages and everyday see something new and pretty. I look forward to coming home at the end of the day and working on a particular project. Or brainstorming for the next! I'm very grateful for my new friends in the online sewing/vintage community. It truly is a wonderful way to connect with new people and share ideas, inspiration, sewing tips, and much more! I love seeing what other people are working on. I never realized just how popular vintage lifestyles were outside the U.S. In particular places like Australia, New Zealand, and the UK. There are a number of lovely ladies out there that find every opportunity to get dressed up! Lots of great inspirational pictures for those of us who want to wear more vintage.

This year begins a new page in my life in a couple ways. This spring I will be turning 30, which feels like a milestone for me. I've come to terms with the fact that I will no longer be in my 20s. (Thinking about it still brings on a slight panic attack.) As many of you know I got engaged in January and with that will come many more changes. And I'm looking forward to them. :) I've been thinking more as of late just what kind of lifestyle I want to have. Do I wish I could time travel to a particular decade? Well, yes of course. But not to live there, I just want to visit and maybe do some shopping. ;) Do I want to dress in vintage everyday? No, but I do want to work more of it into my lifestyle. Part of my reason for starting a blog was because I needed some change in my life. Reaching out to the online sewing/vintage community has helped me in a big way.

Celebrating my birthday last year with two of my favorite girls, Monica and Jill.
I'm grateful to my friends and family for supporting my many interests, even if they are mostly history and sewing related. I'm grateful that my friends from college and I have remained so close. We try and get together at least once every year. I'm grateful for fun little things like birthday cards, cups of tea, a warm wood stove and bright color socks.

College roommates at Lauren's wedding last spring.
At our annual college roommate reunion last fall. Monica organized a game night. Go blue team!
At our annual college roommate reunion. Our dorm was called Union. Photo by Dan Gardner.
And last but not least, I'm grateful I have Cori to share this all with. He not only tolerates my sewing and vintage collecting habits, he encourages them too! Cori has a growing collection of vintage clothing as well, mainly military uniforms. When we finally buy a house together we're going to need a lot of closet space!

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