
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

"Ensembles in the Major" - Shoe Magazines!

Hello everyone! Today as part of the Sew Grateful Resource Day I would like to share some of my 1930s Boot and Shoe Recorder. The Great National Shoe Weekly magazines. I have a stack of these that I picked up last summer at an antique store in New York. I only paid a few dollars a piece for them, no idea what their real value is but that doesn't matter. These are such a great resource for someone who loves vintage shoes as much as I do! :)

"Boot and Shoe Recorder. The Great National Shoe Weekly" February 11, 1939 Vol. CXIV No. 24
How beautiful is that cover? I've searched a little bit online for information about these magazines but haven't found much. It looks like the weekly magazine began publication in the 1880s. I did find a few digital copies online - here is one from October 1887 and here is one from 1922. The copies I have mostly contain articles about how shoes are made, where the materials come from, etc. and all the latest news on manufactures, new styles and such. I get the sense that these magazines were marketed towards shoe retailers, kind of like car magazines are today. Oh, and the art work and photographs are just grand! Some day I will get around to scanning all of them.

I'm sharing these two issues -  February 11, 1939 and March 18, 1939 - today because of the awesome color and style guides they contain. Ever wonder just what color shoes, stockings, and other accessories to wear with that vintage dress? Well, here you go! I love that these are divided into musical "keys."

"Boot and Shoe Recorder. The Great National Shoe Weekly" February 11, 1939 Vol. CXIV No. 24
"Boot and Shoe Recorder. The Great National Shoe Weekly" February 11, 1939 Vol. CXIV No. 24
Shoes sale? Yes please!

"Boot and Shoe Recorder. The Great National Shoe Weekly" March 18, 1939 Vol. CXV No. 3
"Boot and Shoe Recorder. The Great National Shoe Weekly" March 18, 1939 Vol. CXV No. 3
"Boot and Shoe Recorder. The Great National Shoe Weekly" March 18, 1939 Vol. CXV No. 3
And here are some bonus pages because they are too pretty not to share. :) Which pair of shoes do you want most?

"Boot and Shoe Recorder. The Great National Shoe Weekly" March 18, 1939 Vol. CXV No. 3
"Boot and Shoe Recorder. The Great National Shoe Weekly" March 18, 1939 Vol. CXV No. 3


  1. Oh my goodness! How I am drooling over these shoes! Especially the ensembles in the major. So lovely!!! Thanks for posting.

  2. Love, love, love this post. I'm deeply interested in 38 and 39 so to see these shoes and fashions! The only problem is finding some of these shoes:( I found this wonderful pair recently at a vintage show but couldn't see paying $300 for them, but they are still in my thoughts. There is nothing like a grand pair of shoes to finish off an outfit. Thank you dear, Emily for this wonderful post and sharing these images with us. Priceless. I also love how they showed how these shoes might look with the right outfits.

  3. Ooh--thank you for sharing these! I particularly love the first one in the fifth image. Wouldn't it be nice if we could still find shoes like these?
