
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Winter Storm Today!

Hi All,
We're getting slammed today with some very seasonal winter weather! That's just fine with me as it means I will be able to go snowshoeing over the weekend. I thought today I would share some images I've found around the web. Lots of great hats, muffs, and fur trimmings! Enjoy!

Portrait of Louise Henriette de Bourbon, Duchesse de Chartres and Duchesse d'Orléans (1726-1759) in a fur trimmed cloak and muff. French School, 18th century. Oil on canvas
Go to Christie's and zoom in on this dress! You will be happy you did!

Portrait of the Reichsgräfin von Fries, née Gräfin Anna d'Escherny (1737-1807), seated, half length, in a plumed headdress and white satin fur-trimmed gown
Alexander Roslin (Malmö 1718-1793 Paris)
Portrait of the Reichsgräfin von Fries, née Gräfin Anna d'Escherny (1737-1807), seated, half length, in a plumed headdress and white satin fur-trimmed gown
pastel on paper - Source
Lady in a Fur Wrap - Source
A Winter Walking Dress, fashion plate, hand-colored engraving on paper, published in La Belle Assemblie, London, January 1813 - Source
This print is so pretty!

Winter fashions - December 1875 Peterson's Magazine - Source
1880's winter ensembles - Source

Gretchen Margaret Woodman Rogers (American artist, 1881–1967) Woman in Fur Hat (Self-portrait), c 1915 -Source

Albert Rosenthal (American painter, 1863-1939) Portrait of Mrs. H. Bryan Owsley, Philadelphia 1910 - Source
George Barbier, Pour St. Moritz, pochoir 1913 (from Journal des Dames et des Modes - a Parisian fashion journal published by Tom Antongini
George Barbier, Pour St. Moritz, pochoir 1913 (from Journal des Dames et des Modes - a Parisian fashion journal published by Tom Antongini - Source

Dress and accessory catalogue {Perry, Dame & Co., Fall & Winter 1919-1920} - Source
January 1937 winter fashion plate


1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE that first image you posted!! Swoon! And then of course the ice skating one...what fun!

