
Saturday, January 2, 2016

First Reader Q&A

Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your New Years Eve celebrations!!

I would love to kick off the new year with something a little different, a reader Q&A session! I've never done this before and think it would be a lot of fun. So, what would you like to know? Post your questions in the comment field or feel free to send me an email! You can also post your questions through Facebook.

Feel free to ask anything related to sewing, vintage clothing, things I've collected, my favorite foods, music, movies, hair related questions, etc! I will do my best to answer all your questions in an up coming post.

Update: You can hear my answers to some of your questions posted in the comments in my first video post!


  1. I'm a very curious cat, and so glad you offered this opportunity. I have two questions. First, do you ever sew from contemporary/ modern patterns, and if so, what do you make? Second, when sewing historical or vintage items, how do you finish your seams? For the latter, I am most curious about everyday, wearable vintage as opposed to costuming and couture techniques. Thank you!

  2. Lovely idea! My question: What has been something new that you've tried lately and really liked?

    1. I tried a couple great food related things over the holidays so this a great question too!

  3. How did you get into historical sewing? When you started, how did you break down the projects into manageable pieces? (I'm still working on my first historical outfit, but it all seems overwhelming.)
