
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Butterick Fashion News, August 1946

We finally have some snow here in my little corner on New England! It's not much but I'll take it. It looks so pretty! My friends in the Boston area and closer to the coast have received more snowfall this winter and I'm a little jealous. Ah well, what can you do except enjoy what you have, right?

Today I want to share with you this awesome little pattern catalog. I received this as part of my Chronically Vintage Secret Santa gift. A huge thank you to Jessica for organizing another successful gift exchange and to my not so secret Santa, Carla of Tiny Angry Crafts. In an odd twist, I was Carla's Secret Santa the previous year. Her gift saved the day for me! I'd been fighting nasty winter sinus thing when her gift arrived. And to my joy found her gift included some of my favorite teas! Chi and peppermint! (All the tea is long gone!) There is nothing better then curling up on the couch with a cat and hot cup of tea when you are sick. Fortunately I'm feeling much better, even if this time of year leaves me feeling down some days and unproductive. (Check out Brittany's post on ways to tackle seasonal depression.)

This Butterick Fashion News catalog is from August 1946. You can really see the changes in post war fashions. Dresses and skirts seem to have more details like side drapes, and wider or fuller sleeves. Shoulders seem boxier to me too. The overall silhouette of 1946 just feels different from those of 1944 and 1945. With rationing at an end, designers are feel to use more material in their clothing.

I really like these evening fashions.

And this blouse pattern. I need this blouse pattern in my life!! If anyone comes across a copy. please, please let me know!

A few of the patterns looked very familiar to me and sent me digging through my vintage pattern stash. While both my patterns are by Vogue, they appear very similar to those shown in this Buckerick catalog. I wonder who borrowed from whom? ;)

Do you have a favorite pattern from this catalog?


  1. What delicious pictures! I so love looking through vintage patterns.

  2. What a super fun booklet to flip through! I always wish places like McCalls, Simplicity and Butterick would re-release their old pattern books as resource books for us vintage gals, wouldn't that be a dream? :)

  3. Oh that blouse with the sash tied around the waist is to die for! Everything about it is just stunning, from the big bishop sleeves, the tucks on the shoulders, to the shape of the waist section. They just don't make blouses like that nowadays, do they? I also adore the dress on the far left in the first spread that has a sheer overlay on it. That's just gorgeous!

  4. Oh these look so delightful! I love the shirtwaist dresses to the right on the back page.

    the Middle Sister and Singer
