
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sunday Shoe Spectacle - National Shoe Weekly Magazines

Hello everyone! Today as part of my Sunday Shoe Spectacle Series I would like to share some of my 1930s Boot and Shoe Recorder. The Great National Shoe Weekly magazines. I have a stack of these that I picked up at an antique store in New York. I only paid a few dollars a piece for them, no idea what their real value is but that doesn't matter. These are such a great resource for someone who loves vintage shoes as much as I do! :)

"Boot and Shoe Recorder. The Great National Shoe Weekly" February 11, 1939 Vol. CXIV No. 24
How beautiful is that cover? I've searched a little bit online for information about these magazines but haven't found much. It looks like the weekly magazine began publication in the 1880s. I did find a few digital copies online - here is one from October 1887 and here is one from 1922. The copies I have mostly contain articles about how shoes are made, where the materials come from, etc. and all the latest news on manufactures, new styles and such. I get the sense that these magazines were marketed towards shoe retailers, kind of like car magazines are today. Oh, and the art work and photographs are just grand! I'm slowly working on scanning these magazine, I think I have around a dozen.

I've actually share this issue, February 11, 1939,  before but thought I would post it again because of these excellent color and style guides. Ever wonder just what color shoes, stockings, and other accessories to wear with that vintage dress? Well, here you go! I love that these are divided into musical "keys."

"Boot and Shoe Recorder. The Great National Shoe Weekly" February 11, 1939 Vol. CXIV No. 24
"Boot and Shoe Recorder. The Great National Shoe Weekly" February 11, 1939 Vol. CXIV No. 24

Would anyone be interested in writing a guest post about vintage shoes for this blog series? If so, please feel free to contact me! Do you have a favorite pair? Favorite source for shopping for vintage or vintage style shoes? What would be your pair of "vintage dream shoes?" I would love to open this series up to other to share their love of shoes! I have one person lined up already and I'm very excited to have her share her vintage shoes story.


  1. I look forward to your scans of these magazines. What a treat to have them! Yes, you are correct in that the Shoe & Boot Recorder was a trade magazine for shoe industry professionals, retailers, etc. These are a wealth of information! You are so lucky to have them!

  2. My word, these are lovely! The very last pair in particular stole my breath away. Thank you so much for sharing these great mid-century footwear styles with us.

    Big hugs,
    ♥ Jessica
