
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sunday Shoe Spectacle

I've been doing some thinking about what kinds of posts I'd like to have in 2016. Brittany of Va-Voom-Vintage and Jessica of Chronically Vintage have both written excellent posts about scheduling your blogging and boost traffic to your blog. Both ladies have some great ideas! (See Brittany's post here and Jessica's post here.) One point these ladies made is the importance of having regularly scheduled posts. In a perfect world I would love make my living by blogging and sewing. I envy those of you who are able to do so! But alas, I like many work a 9 to 5 job and don't always have the time to devote to my blog or to my sewing projects that I would like. However, there is a handy little Blogger feature that certainly makes my blogging experience a bit easier. Blogger allows you create a post and then schedule it to be posted on a day and time of your choosing. You'll find this feature, when you click to create a new post, on the far right-hand side of your screen under Post Settings. I use this feature all the time. The vast majority of my blogging is done in the evenings or on days I'm not working but I like to have my posts go up in the morning.

So, while I may get behind on sharing project up dates you can be assured that my (somewhat) regular posts such as Great Hair Fridays and monthly Behind the Seams will be here when you expect them. With that in mind I'd like to introduce you all to a new monthly post I'm calling Sunday Shoe Spectacle!

On the first Sunday of the month I will post about one of my favorite topics, shoes! I have a few pairs of my own vintage shoes in mind to share as well as some museum and auction finds. In addition to actual shoes, I have a stack of 1930s shoe magazines that I plan to scan and post articles from.

If you own a pair of vintage or antique shoes, have a favorite museum pair, or can think of any shoes related topics please let me know. I would be happy to highlight them!


  1. Yay! I love vintage shoe styles. I think shoes are one of the accessories that can make or break a vintage themed outfit. The perfect shoes can take an outfit from being merely modern vintage, to being out of a vintage photo. I recently bought my first pair of vintage shoes. I blogged about them here: . I know I am going to enjoy this blog series. I think it my be interesting if you also mentioned the rationing during WWII.


    1. Thanks for sharing the link to your shoes! I will be sure to check it out.

  2. Shoes! I utterly love shoes...but doesn't every lady! I'm quite looking forward to all that you post on this topic! I have a pair of shoes that I just adore from the '20s that I will have to show you.

  3. I love this post and look forward to more. My favorite subject as well!

  4. Thank you very much for the wonderfully lovely inclusion in this post, sweet Emily. I really appreciate it!

    Scheduling blog posts is the best! I do it with about 97 - 99% of mine in any given year. Sometimes I might have just wrapped up the post ten minutes beforehand, but I'll still try to schedule it all the same, as I aim to post as many of my entries as I can at 5 am PST (I did a lot experimenting early on with posting times and this was by far the most successful for me in terms of garnering pageviews and comments). I write most of my posts in Open Live Writer, instead of in Blogger itself, and love that this free desktop app allows you schedule right from within it, too.

    Ooohh, your vintage shoe magazines sound amazing. I can hardly wait to see more from them.

    Many thanks again & have a beautiful week,
    ♥ Jessica
