
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Enchanting Rose Teacup Exchange

I was very excited to participate in this year's teacup exchange hosted by Stephanie of the blog The Enchanting Rose. While Stephanie has hosted this exchange, which also included mugs, many times before this was the first time I was able to take part. I learned about this awesome idea last year but was too late to join.

Each person taking part was asked to fill out a quick questioner with some basic info in order for Stephanie to pair us up. Along with our teacup, or mug, we were asked to include a friendly note, tea or coffee and a little something extra. The idea of the exchange is the opportunity to connect with like-minded people and, hopefully, create new friendships. I like that in organizing the exchange, Stephanie made sure that we each sent and received packages from different people. More ways to connect with different people!

I couldn't believe my luck when finding out who I would be sending a teacup to! Esther, and her lovely blog Dolly Creates, is where I was first introduced to the teacup and mug exchange! :) Esther and I have collaborated before, she wrote a great guest post here, so I was thrilled to be able to send her something! I didn't take any pictures of the goodies before I sent them off but I'm sure Esther will be sharing them at some point on her blog.

Oddly enough, the lovely lady I received my teacup from was also someone I was familiar with! What are the chances, given that 198 people signed up for the exchange?! Some of you may know Sara as well through her website Ensembles of the Past or her etsy shop and Facebook page of the same name. We 'met' online last year through one of the many historical clothing FB pages and have chatted off and on since. Sara creates beautiful custom-made historical clothing. Although I have never seen her work in person, judging from the gorgeous photos on her website, and lovely card included in my package, I'd say say her work is pretty outstanding!

Here are some photos of the teacup and other items Sara included. The gold trimmed teacup makes a nice addition to my collection! As some of you know, I used teacups as favors for my vintage themed wedding and because we collected sooooo many, I was able to keep a few. I have them on display in my pantry.

Thanks so much Stephanie for organizing this awesome exchange! And to Sara for your thoughtful gifts! You can check out the BIG REVEAL of all the teacups and mugs as well as the blogger link-up of all the gifts on The Enchanting Rose. I look forward to participating again next year!


  1. My oh my, what a delightful package of tea loveliness. The tea cup is exquisite, my dear.

    I am ever so glad you joined the exchange and I am tickled pink to read that you look forward to the next one.

    Hugs and joy to you!

    1. Thanks again!! Can't wait to see the big reveal post. :)

  2. I love your teacup! It is so beautiful, and the gold edging is simply lovely. I love teacups with a vintage feel!

    1. Thank you Skyeler! It really is a pretty cup and saucer and I adore the gold edging too.

  3. What a wonderful package you received. What a fun exchange!

  4. So much fun to see and read!!! :) I am tickled pink that we got paired up together, and thank you once again for the gorgeous package. I enjoyed it so much!! And that is so neat that you got paired up with Sara too! She is one amazing lady.
    I'm glad you enjoyed the exchange!! :)

  5. Beautiful teacup ... don't you love roses on teacups?!!! Wonderful goodies.

  6. Such a wonderful package of delight that arrived, just love that teacup! How lovely that you were paired with the lovely Esther and Sara that you knew already, isn't it a delight to be able to send little treats and special things out and receive too! Enjoying the tea partying today, happy to have met you in my travels! :)

  7. Beautiful teacup! So much prettiness; you truly were blessed!

  8. Nice you could join the exchange this year and your parcel contained wonderful items.

  9. I love your new teacup! It is so pretty! Love this swap and I have had so much fun looking at everyone's gifts!!! Enjoy!

  10. Your tea exchange treasures are absolutely wonderful! That teacup is absolutely gorgeous!

    Yes, we are truly blessed that Stephanie does this for us all - what a gift unto itself - those friendships formed.

    It's so oddly warm here; warmest & nicest fall weather in my recollection! My iris are blooming for the THIRD time right now! It's mid Ohio! I used to attend football games when younger sometimes in the SNOW! Today was mid 70s!!!

    Loving this warm stuff!

  11. I always love seeing what everyone gets and gives... So much fun!!


  12. How nice it was for you to be paired with a familiar friend! The teacup you received is so pretty, and will make a grand addition to your collection ;)

  13. Glad to hear that you had fun participating in your first exchange. I love the gold trim and interior flower of your pretty teacup.
