As many of you may know, I purchased
At the Sign of the Golden Scissors and Larkin & Smith sewing pattern line back in August. I've been working hard all year to achieve this goal and I'm so excited by the many possibilities this endeavor offers in allowing me to continue sharing my love of sewing, research and creativity with a wider audience and in a more official capacity than I have been able to do in the past. This will benefit living history peeps as well as historical costumers!
I am working diligently to reprint each of the beloved Larkin & Smith 18th century sewing patterns, starting with the English Gown and the Front and Back Lacing Stays. As we head into the holiday shopping season I will be adding more items to the website, many of them will be new Old Stock items from the former owners.

What does all this mean for Emily's Vintage Visions?
Well, starting next year I will begin incorporating my vintage style reproductions and curated collection of true vintage and antique items for sale on the Golden Scissors website. How exciting to be able to combine a love of historical and vintage sewing under one roof! My Instagram accounts and Facebook pages for
Emily's Vintage Visions and At the Sign of the Golden Scissors will remain as they are - independent of each other - so you will be able to follow one or both as you choose.
What's Next?
Schedule for listing Black Friday and Small Business Saturday Specials!! New items will be listed each day starting at 8am EST so check back often.
11/23/21 - Pin Cushions and Pin Balls
11/24/21 - Books, Odds & Ends
11/25/21 - New Old Stock Cap patterns and kits
11/26/21 - New Old Stock Embroidery kits, crewel yarn bundles
11/27/21 - New Old Stock Fashionable Gown patterns
Please note availability of certain items is very limited. In most cases there will only be one or two of each item. We will do our best to combine shipping when possible.