Showing posts with label Hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hair. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

1940s Rita Hayworth Inspired Hair Tutorial

I made a rambling video thing! Some of you may have seen it already, but if not be sure to check out my YouTube channel for my latest video. (scroll down to view) This is my first ever hair video so please be kind. It turned out much longer than I had planned but I hope some of you will find it helpful. 

Rita Hayworth - Source
The hairstyle in my video is inspired by Rita Hayworth and has become my go to style when I want a vintage look for everyday. I use a very basic pin curl set, I don't follow any real pattern. Though I do section off the front portion of my hair to make couple pin curls, normally 2 or 3, that are then brushed and pinned to one side. All my curls are rolled in the same direction just because I find it quicker to do so.

For the video, I set my hair using Garnier Fructis curl shaping spray gel for natural hair hair. I let the pin curls dry over night. My hair was slightly damp and I sprayed the gel onto each section of hair as I went. As noted in the video I will sometimes use LottaBody settle lotion, which for humid weather, I find has a stronger hold.

Here is what the hairstyle looks like when using LottaBody. I should note that I had been outside for several hours before this photo was taken. :)

Photo by Jim Gallagher
I would love to hear your thoughts on this video as well as any suggestions for future videos.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Great Hair Fridays - February 1943

It's been a long time since my last Great Hair Fridays post. Today's features an article from a February issue of the Modern Beauty Shop. Enjoy!

Modern Beauty Shop - February 1943
Modern Beauty Shop - February 1943

Friday, August 7, 2015

Fashion Do's and Dont's from 1943

It's been a long time since my last Great Hair Fridays post! Today I want to share with you all some images from an awesome little booklet I own. This Fashion Do's and Dont's for Head and Face booklet by Colette is from 1943 and has 48 pages designed to help you look your best!

If you enjoy vintage fashion from the 1940's you'll find these images really useful. The graphics are absolutely priceless. On the surface, this book in 1943 was to help a any woman achieve beauty through choosing the right make-up, hats, glasses, accessories, etc. suited to her type. Today this little book is a treasure-trove and reveals the fantastic LOOK of the 1940’s with lots of cool illustrations.

This book covers ALL the possible physical features and "flaws" one could have and what to do with them. On my list of projects for waaaaay down the road, I'd like to reproduce this booklet so other can enjoy it in its entirety!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Great Hair Fridays - July 1943

Today's Great Hair Fridays post features articles from a July issue of the Modern Beauty Shop. These articles are from 1943. Pin curl sets and tips for problem hair.

Modern Beauty Shop - July 1943

Friday, April 4, 2014

Great Hair Fridays - April 1941

Today's quick post for Great Hair Fridays! Modern Beauty Shop magazine from April 1941. A lovely spring bride and hairstyles for "problem" hair types. Which one do you like best?

That's it for now, enjoy!

Modern Beauty Shop - April 1941

Modern Beauty Shop - April 1941

Friday, February 21, 2014

Great Hair Fridays - Betty Grable

It's been awhile since my last Great Hair Fridays post. So here is a quick one today. It's Betty Grable! Enjoy!


Friday, October 4, 2013

Great Hair Fridays - October 1943

Today's Great Hair Fridays post features articles from an October issue of the Modern Beauty Shop. These articles are from 1943.

Hairstyles highlighted in this issue are the High Harmony and the Semi-Pomp. Also shown is an interesting article about testing your curls.

Modern Beauty Shop - October 1943
Modern Beauty Shop - October 1943
Modern Beauty Shop - October 1943
Modern Beauty Shop - October 1943
Modern Beauty Shop - October 1943
Modern Beauty Shop - October 1943

Friday, September 27, 2013

Great Hair Fridays - September 1941

Well friends, fall has finally arrived. I can't believe September is almost over! This year is just flying by. And now the days are getting shorter and cooler. It's with mixed feelings that I'm starting to pull out my sweaters and wool socks. I love the fall but I'm always sad to see summer end. Ah well....

For today's Great Hair Fridays post, I bring you more from the magazine Modern Beauty Shop. This issue is from September 1941. I absolutely adore the little felt hat on the cover.

Modern Beauty Shop - September 1941
This is an interesting take on pin curls - Pin Curls with a Half Twist! I think my hair is too long for this, I have enough trouble with regular pin curls! Someone please give it a try and let me know how it works.

This image I posted awhile back when I first started my Great Hair Fridays series. But it's a great one and so very worth sharing again. I've posted a couple times about victory rolls. (Here and here) and have attempted them with my own hair a few times as well. (see here) Obviously there are more hair styles then just victory rolls for the 1940s, but for anyone wanting to create a classic, and classy, WWII era up-do learning to make victory rolls is a must. :)


Friday, May 10, 2013

Great Hair Fridays - May 1943

For today's Great Hair Fridays post, a May 1943 issue of the Modern Beauty Shop.

This issue features some lovely styles for short hair, leg make-up, and some unusual hairpiece hats. Enjoy!

Modern Beauty Shop - May 1943 Source

Friday, March 1, 2013

Great Hair Fridays - March 1943

Today's Great Hair Friday post is from a March 1943 issue of the Modern Beauty Shop.

Featuring advertisements on permanent waves, hair safety, coloring, and beauty displays. Enjoy!

Modern Beauty Shop - March 1943
Modern Beauty Shop - March 1943

Modern Beauty Shop - March 1943

Modern Beauty Shop - March 1943

Modern Beauty Shop - March 1943

Modern Beauty Shop - March 1943

Modern Beauty Shop - March 1943

Modern Beauty Shop - March 1943

Friday, February 1, 2013

Great Hair Fridays - February 1941

Beautiful vintage up dos just in time for Valentine's Day! Today's Great Hair Fridays post is brought to you by a February 1941 issue of the Modern Beauty Shop. Enjoy!

Modern Beauty Shop - February 1941
Modern Beauty Shop - February 1941

Friday, January 18, 2013

Great Hair Fridays - Crimping Tool Experiment

Finger waves and marcel waves were all the rage in the 1920s and 1930s. The marcel wave was named for the 19th century French hairdresser, Francois Marcel, who invented the waving process in 1872. Marcel went on to develop a permanent waving machine. He also developed other specialized hair waving equipment. There is a very informative article here.

3 Vintage Metal Curling Irons - Etsy
Before the electric versions appeared, hair irons could be heated one of two ways. The earliest ones were heated on a wood burning stove. Not directly in the fire mind you. They would have had some kind of stand or base to rest on while being heated.

With the introduction of gas stoves, a rather devilish contraption was manufactured. This thing was hooked up to your gas stove and, um, safely heated your iron. (You can see a fancy one here.) I don't know which method scares me more!
Rare Antique Gas Hair Curling Iron Holder - Swan Creek Cottage on Etsy
Antique electric curling iron heater 1920s
These kinds of things have always fascinated me. I love learning about the different tools of the trade. I bought this crimping tool on Etsy and thought it would be fun to use. Yes, I'm just that crazy. :)

I should state for the record that in no way was I going to try this thing by heating it with "traditional" methods. Instead I tried a little experiment. On chilly winter days I like to used my wood stove. When I do I always keep a pot of water on it to help keep moisture in the room. The wood stove doesn't get hot enough to boil the water, but pretty close. You could easily make a cup of tea with it, which I often do. :) Anyway, a few days before Christmas, as I sat beside said cozy stove with my "new" crimping iron, I began to wonder. Was there a way to safely use this thing? Then it came to me. Why not try heating the crimping tool with hot water!

I waited until the pot of water was nice and steamy then put the metal end of the crimping tool in the water to heat. I waited about 20 to 30 minutes then tested the crimping iron on a very small section of hair. It worked! No sizzling and no burned hair. :) The crimping tool never got that hot.

Pardon the crummy cell photo pictures, still working on camera issues. This is not the best picture but you can kind of see the waves. I started with damp hair and applied a small amount of setting lotion.

I only crimped a small section of hair but I think you see the desired affect. This style of crimping iron produces smallish, soft waves. 

I found that the iron only held its heat for a few short minutes. Enough it get one crimp before needing to return it to the hot water. If I started with hotter water, and gave the iron more time to heat at the start, this process could go a little bit quicker.

So would I try this again? Even though it took forever to crimp just the very front sections of my hair, I liked the finished look. I think I might.

Also see finger waves for Halloween and Downton Abby event.
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